About Us

Pejvak School is a non-profit and non-political educational institution that provides free online training and mentorship to Iranian teachers and education activists who seek to improve the country’s education system. Pejvak School was established in 2019 by a network of educators and activists from around the world to help Iranian teachers who had to make a sudden switch to online classrooms in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic without proper support from education officials.  Pejvak School quickly gained trust and recognition from the Iranian education community with its model of social learning; practical, needs-based training ; and personal mentoring, and its utilization of technology to ease participant access while at the same time prioritizing security. Since its founding, Pejvak School has delivered over 47 online training events including multi-week courses, workshops, webinars, and discussion forums for approximately 1,270 teachers and education activists in Iran.

Pejvak School’s mission is to support and develop the capacities of Iranian teachers who advocate for improved working conditions and education activists who pursue much needed reforms in the country’s education system. Our vision is a future in which teachers are empowered to meet the educational needs of all of their students in a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Shortcomings of the Iranian Education System

Pejvak School seeks to empower teachers and education activists to reform Iran’s education system in two areas.

  •     Improved working conditions for teachers and respect for their rights: For decades, teachers in Iran have been underpaid, subject to discriminatory hiring practices, and faced legal obstacles that limit their ability to undertake collective action to improve their working conditions.
  •   More inclusive educational policies and practices: Through educational development led by Iranian teachers and education activists, Iran’s educational system can be improved to meet the needs of all students, particularly those from marginalized groups and low-resource settings. 
Pejvak School’s Educational Approach
  • Provide practical content based on the educational priorities and needs of learners.
  • Offer interactive learning activities with incorporation of collaborative exercises.
  • Utilize technology to enhance learning opportunities, increase access, and protect privacy.
  • Leverage the prior experience and knowledge of learners to enhance training content and methods.